What you'll learn about Annuities that will save you from costly retirement mistakes and protect your retirement savings.

  • Create Retirement safety, security & financial happiness.

  • How to generate a guaranteed lifetime income.

  • Annuity strategies used by the rich and successful retirees.

  • How annuities work and how to avoid the common mistakes.

  • Learn the differences between a bad & good annuity for you.

  • Learn how to protect your retirement from market & timing risks

Online Annuity Guide

  • 1


    • Welcome to the Online Annuity Guide

    • My Personal Story. An annuity would have saved my retirement

    • Biggest Retirement Fears

    • Income - The Most Important When You Retire

    • $1,000,000 Retirement Savings Comparison

  • 2

    What are Annuities & How They Work

    • What Color is Your Money? The color of your money will impact your retirement savings.

    • What are Annuities?

    • Type of Annuities

    • Purpose of a Fixed Annuity

    • Immediate and Deferred Annuities

    • Annuity Riders, Options, Bonus, and Additional Features

    • How Annuities Make Payments

    • Common Annuity Terms & Definitions

  • 3

    Benefits of Annuities and why they are used for retirement

    • Balanced Asset Allocation Aligned with Your Risk Level

    • Protecting your Principal & Understanding the Real Risks of Market Risks

    • Risk Exposure by Retirement Savings Stage & Age

    • Guaranteed Lifetime Income

    • Income - 4% Rule is Outdated and Doesn't Work.

  • 4

    Annuity Strategies & Case Samples

    • Annuity Case Study to Protect from Market Risks

    • The Annuity Strategy used by the Wealthy

  • 5

    How a Fixed Indexed Annuity Works & the power of Indexing

    • The Power of indexing

    • Index Strategy Options for a Fixed Indexed Annuity

    • Strategies available for fixed indexed annuities

  • 6

    Are Annuities Safe?

    • My Financial Advisor Says Annuities are Bad

    • What Happens When an Insurance Company Fails?

    • Comdex Score - Financial Strength Rating

  • 7

    Common Myths, Mistakes, Pitfalls, and Risks with Annuities

    • What are the Risks & Downsides to an Annuity?

    • Can or should I put everything in an Annuity?

    • Fees, Cost, & Surrender Charges

    • How Annuities are Taxed

    • Inherited IRA's

    • Limited Upside Potential

    • Annuity only benefits if you live a long time

    • There are high costs with annuities

    • The annuity contract owner pays the commission

  • 8

    How insurance agents and insurance companies make money

    • How Annuity Companies & Agents Make Money

  • 9

    What to Consider When Shopping for Annuity

    • What to Consider When Shopping for Annuity


What Others Are Saying

Literally Saved My Retirement

Patricia J. - Florida

I'm preparing to retire in 2 years. Our family financial advisor recommended against annuities. I learned that his company doesn't offer them which is why he was against annuities. I did my own research and learned more about annuities from Mike at Retire Happy. Glad I did because when the market dropped last year I didn't lose anything. My brother, who has the same family financial advisor, lost $180,000 last year in the market.

Very Helpful

William H. - Dallas

I recently took the Retire Happy Course after considering an annuity for a portion of my retirement. After researching all my options, I was hesitant to make a decision because I didn't know where to start and didn't want to deal with all the salespeople. The Retire Happy Course helped me understand the process and gave me the confidence to make an informed decision. Its easy-to-follow modules were very helpful in understanding how annuities work and provided valuable tips on how to maximize my retirement. - William H. - Dallas

Highly Recommend

Rebecca & James L. - San Diego

I recently finished the Retire Happy Course and it has been an amazing experience. It was the first course I ever took to learn about planning for retirement and it has truly changed my life. The lessons were so clear, easy to understand, and incredibly helpful. We've already implemented many of the strategies we learned in this course and are feeling more secure with our retirement than ever before. Highly recommend this course if you're looking to get your retirement in check! – Rebecca & James L.

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Learn what other successful retirees & the wealthy know about annuities.

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